21 September 2010

Case study

I'm cutting it fine, but I wanted to fit in a card for the latest Case Study challenge, #6. The challenge was to case some aspect of a lovely card by Mariana Grigsby. I chose to case the layout, so this is what I came up with;

I still had the supplies out that I used for this card the other day, so used those. (Note to self - tidy up more often!) I combined the Case Study challenge with the latest Paper Crafts September gallery challenge to use text in a project. I stamped the tree image and then created a mask for it before stamping and embossing text across it. I think it adds a subtle texture to the focal point while still letting the simplicity of the lovely tree image shine. Here's a bit more detail:

Here's Mariana's card:

Well I think that's it for now. Thanks for calling by


Stamps - WMS teeny trees, PTI text style
Inks - PTI aqua mist, Versafine vintage sepia, Versamark
Paper - PTI everyday blessings
Card - PTI kraft, spring moss
Ribbon - PTI fresh snow twill
PTI scallop die
Button - PTI aqua mist
Spellbinders Labels 4
Clear and white embossing powder
Embroidery floss



  1. You're still having heaps of time to play, Debby! The challenge closes in 19 hours :) It's another perfect card of yours, with stunning bow & excellent tag, but the main image just beats it all! I love the subtle shading on the tree (I wonder if it was a planned effect...), and the text background... yum-o!
    Thanks so much for playing again!

  2. Another wonderful card using this set! It's beauty. I love how you masked the tree and put the text behind it...really cool!

  3. Beautiful card Debby! Love the masking with the text embossing. Great idea!

  4. Yay! So happy you manged to play along with us on CASE study this week, Debby!
    You totally rocked this week's CASE study with this super sweet card! Love the non-traditional colours for Christmas!

  5. so pretty!! love these non-traditional colors for christmas!!

  6. Very pretty, love the colours! I will not be enabled to buy this tree stamp, I will not be enabled to buy this tree stamps, I will not be ... lol!

  7. Wonderful CASE, love that soft shade of aqua! Super design, great image and fabulous details! Thanks for playing along with us at CASE Study challenges!

  8. what beautiful colours for christmas, I just love the big bow and the super cute tree! Thanks for sharing your talent at CASE study this week! :)
