16 October 2010

Cherry on top blog award

Well I am literally just back from holiday - we took the kids to visit my family and also had some time at Center Parcs. We had an absolute ball! It was great to see all my family but my brother and some of his family were there too and I haven't seen them in ages. Also at Center Parcs we scuba dived, pendulum swung, played tennis, tried falconry, nature walked, golfed, made teddy bears, swam the slides and rapids ....... I'm exhausted! But in a very nice, content, we all had a good time, way.

I recently received a cherry on top award from Keva of Hownowbrownkow and I am so totally chuffed! Unfortunately getting ready for going away and then actually being away this week has stopped me from posting this before. But now is my opportunity to remedy that. So here goes, part of the award is to tell you three things about myself that perhaps you don't know.

  • I really don't like having my picture taken. It's not just that I'm no longer a svelte teenager, but I just really hate being in front on the camera!
  • I absolutely love being behind the camera and have my children well trained to pose for me wherever we go.
  • My favourite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice and the BBC series knocks pants off the film!

Next up is supposed to be a picture and although I've scanned through my photos I really can't find anything suitable. I did find a picture of my sand covered toes on a beach but really you don't want to see that! So I shall move quickly on to pass the award on to 5 blogs I find inspirational. I've recently been spending some time on the PTI forum and found some fabulous inspiration there. So my bloggers are all PTI girls!
  1. Kate & Aimes of A Passion for Papertrey
  2. Laurie of Soapbox Creations
  3. Amy of Stamp-n-Paradise
  4. Kara of KandRdesigns
  5. and Jen of Jen's Ink Spot
Well now I'm off to see if I can find my way to a bit of time to get inky!



  1. Wow, sounds like you guys had a fabulous time! Welcome back! :)

  2. Soooo glad you see you back!! And thank you so much for the award!! Very sweet of you! Can't wait to see some more creations!

  3. I'm glad you had a wonderful time with your family! Sounds like a fun time for all! Thanks so much for the award....I really enjoy your blog and look forward to seeing your name pop up in my GR soon!! :)

  4. Thanks so much!! I love coming to your blog too:)

  5. Yea on such a great time away! Glad it was fun and rewarding! Thanks so much for the award, that is so super sweet! I love your blog and love to see what you've created!
