8 January 2011

Blog award

The lovely Jen Carter and Jen W have just awarded me a stylish blogger award! I'm bowled over ladies; thank you so much! Part of the award is as follows:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to bloggers that you have recently discovered.

So 8 things about myself ........ there's all sorts of things I could tell you about, but its hard to think of which 8 to put in! So off the top of my head here goes:

1. I am the youngest of 3 siblings.
2. I am a scientist by trade, studying cell biology at Uni and worked briefly in the pharmaceutical industry.
3. After getting married I spent a year living in Pakistan where my husband was working at the time.
4. I am now a stay at home Mum to 3 great kids.
5. We currently live in Scotland where I am getting used to the hard, snowy winters.
6. I love the changing seasons.
7. I'm a home bird. I do like going on holiday but am happiest pottering around at home.
8. All colours are great but green can't be beaten!

Now on to bloggers I've recently discovered. These two blogs have recently found their way to my google reader:

Cristina I'm in love with Cristina's CAS style. She really hits the mark with her on trend creations.
Aga Another designer with a CAS style, I love Aga's innovative use of her supplies.

Make yourself a cup of tea and sit a while with their fab inspiration.



  1. Congrats on your award Debby, so very well deserved! Fascinating to learn you lived in Pakistan for a year - that must have been an amazing experience :D BTW I think the card below this post is breathtaking! xxx p.s. your profile picture always makes me smile <3

  2. I agree, green is best LOL! I'm a home body as well and love it :) Thanks for participating as it was fun learning a bit more about you.
