20 January 2011

Do you ever

Sorry for the lull in activity here. Do you ever regret starting something? For some reason we are in a major tidy up session. My daughter's room has been gone through, my youngest son's is most of the way there, my eldest son has been doing his own room and I've started the study/craft room. Upstairs isn't too bad but the study is currently in the phase where it looks worse than when I started! You know when you pull everything out to sort through it and you end up with piles everywhere. I'm not entirely sure what has set this tidy up project in motion, but I'm attributing it to the snow melting and milder weather we've been having - we are spring cleaning! We're just ignoring the fact that it's only January!

I did sneak in some time to make another card for last week's Tuesday Trigger. I did a masculine card for the trigger, but was very taken with the bright colours of the garland, so made a second card.

I have bought two little lamps with daylight bulbs to help take photos in the evenings and dull days we have here often. This photo is my first attempt at using them. I certainly got a better photo than I would've done without them, but feel I still need to learn how to take this type of photo better as I much prefer the photos I take in natural light.

Now, it's back to the sorting through these piles. I know I will feel better afterwards, but the process is a bit painful - I'd much rather be making something!



  1. I just love the gorgeous bright colours and what a effective design.Well done you.

  2. I love you cards, they are an inspiration for us!

  3. Love all those circles and the chip board accents...the colors make me happy! I am with you...prefer to take my pictures outside...but am using my light box now!

  4. Love the bright colours on this card and the addition of the name is cute. Good luck with the spring cleaning - who knows, maybe you'll find some craft goodies in your stash that you'd forgotten about. It'll be like getting something brand new!

  5. Oh my! I love love love those papers you used. What are they?! So cute. This card is really sweet. Love the layout and brightness of it. I bought a lightbox once, but never use it. I pretty much always take pics of my cards at night..I wonder if they seem dark? Hmm...lol

  6. Beautiful Debby! WOW!!! I love these bright colors! This is a fantastic take on the Trigger!

  7. I adore the patterns and colors on your card! You did a fantastic job with this trigger! I soo want spring to be here....this after we got dumped on by about 7 inches of snow yesterday!

  8. Do I ever! Purging always feels better when your all done! You sure did make good use of your time with this card! Wowsers it hits the spot in my blah day! Great card Debbie!

  9. I love this card. The arrangement of the circles, the colours and the letters. Way to go. You inspire me. Thank you.

  10. Love all of the patterned you combined on this one, Beautiful!

  11. woooooooooow. I was hopping your page for the blog hop and as always I just scroll down the page really quickly but this awesome card stopped me!!! It is GREAT. Love all the colors!!
