5 February 2011

PTI favourite

Over on Nichole Heady's blog they are starting the anniversary celebrations for Papertrey Ink. The question for today is what is your favourite project from last year using PTI products. Well having looked through my photos I have to say that I have quite a few favourites! However, if I have to pick I would say the tags and calendars I made to give at Christmas. I've loved the introduction of the Tiny Treats sets and TT Christmas enabled me to make cute and quick tags for my calendar gifts. Here's a couple of photos but if you want to see more details then you can see the original post here.



  1. These tags are super cute. I really must get those layer dies. I just wanted to let you know that I posted a Blog Award for you on my blog. LOVE your creations.

  2. Oh how I loved (and still love!) these cuties, Debby! I'd find it so hard to pick a fave of yours - I'd need to have at least 10 as I love your style!

  3. Loved these tags when I first saw them on the blog hop. Still love them.

  4. SO cute- and I just love those dies!
