14 April 2011

Gift wrapping

I love to take extra time to wrap a gift so that it looks beautiful. All the little touches of paper, ribbon, tags - it's just what I do. Wrapping a gift for a friend who you know will appreciate the effort makes the process even more enjoyable! So I had a ball wrapping the gifts for my good and crafty friend Judy (our Irish treasure).

The idea for the wrapping started with a tiny die - one of the beautiful bloom dies from Papertrey Ink. You see my friend loves daisies and I so wanted to incorporate them in the wrapping. I die cute the flowers from harvest gold felt and then stamped the flower fusion #1 leaves on to a mat stack 4 die cut stamped in sweet blush. A bit of bakers twine finished it all off.

I used some Crate Paper from the Lillian Collection kit to wrap two smaller presents then added some ribbon and the tags.

For two larger presents, I wrapped them first in kraft paper before adding a few glitter borders and die cuts from the kit. A few cute buttons and all done!

Well except that presents wouldn't be complete without a matching card!

I'm going to pop this project in to Moxie Fab's gift wrap challenge and also A Passion For Papertrey's spring challenge.

Any guesses as to the contents of the parcels? Big hints - the two larger presents measure 12x12, one of the smaller presents is 6x6, oh and the final present is the size of a PTI stamp set!



  1. Oh my!! LOVE!! This is so terrific and I can't imagine how happy the recipient will be just by looking at the packaging!! So cute!!

  2. Hi Debby,

    These are so pretty! What amazing gifts they will make! You do know how to make those special! Love them!

    Hugs, Wendy

  3. Wow...Debby, these are wonderful! I am terrible about gift wrapping. I just throw it in a bag and done! I love love love the presentation of this set. Very pretty!

  4. Debby, you are the most thoughtful and generous friend! What a treat it's going to be to receive these--for the truly special wrapping as much as for what's inside!

  5. These gifts are wrapped beautiful!! It's a pitty that you have to take the paper of if you wanne see what's inside....

  6. I wouldn't want to open these Debby! I mean seriously! These are gorgeous with a matching card too! This is a winner in my book! :)

  7. Did she open the beautifully wrapped gift? Pa-lease say no! It's like destroying art!

  8. Really adorable tags, card, and wrappings. Almost too pretty to open... but, well, if one is the size of a PTI set I certainly would have to check it out! :) Sounds like a gift your friend will love!

  9. Oooh your friend is in for a treat! I wouldn't even want to open the presents as they're packaged so beautifully!
    Thanks for joining in the springtime fun on A Passion for Papertrey again!

  10. I love a beautifully wrapped gift and these are just perfect! The tags are simple and adorable. Great job!

  11. Hey Debby! Thanks for linking this up to the Gift Wrap Challenge in the Moxie Fab World in celebration of 350 Cards & Gifts Week! Good luck in the random drawing! :)

  12. Hi, Debby,

    I really love these beautiful tags that you'd created. They are just so sweet! :)

    Recently, two of your lovely tags (this flower tag and the little worm tag) were featured on our facebook page. There are comments from Joy and Kye asking for the availability of the items :).

    Here is the link to the comments: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.137294846341111.26230.122835161120413

    Maggie xx
