15 November 2011

things are looking a little dirty around here!

Admitedly the house could do with a clean, but that's not it. As of today I'm one of  Splitcoaststampers' Dirty Dozen!

I'm sitting here wondering what to write - I'm honoured and stunned in equal parts; not quite lost for words, but not far off! I was absolutely bowled over when Lydia asked me and I still can't quite believe my luck!

For those of you who don't know, each month members of the Dirty Dozen are given a design challenge. The best of their creations are added to a special gallery that Fan Club members can visit for ideas and inspiration. At any one time there are 12 designers and each month two new members join as two who have competed their 6 month term retire. Joining me this month as a new member is the fabulous Julie Masse!

Well I'm going to have to go and sit down with a cup of tea - my legs are shaking! However, I'd love it if you called by to see this month's Dirty Dozen gallery.


  1. Not surprised IN THE LEAST! You deserve everything that comes your way! Congratulations!

  2. So well deserved! Congratulations, Debby!

  3. Woo hoo!!! Many congrats!! Well deserved!! I am a big fan of your work! :)

  4. I'm not surprised in the least and will certainly become a Fan Club member now. I was just waiting for a good enough reason and I've found one. Congratulations!

  5. Only surprise is what took them so long to get you on the DD!! LOVE your work and a HUGE congrats to you! Enjoy the ride :)

  6. Debby! SO THRILLED FOR YOU!! Such a well deserved honor!! You Go Sistah!! ;)

  7. Well, I just had to pop in here, being a huge fan of yours ever since I stumbled across ya'. I was wondering how long it would take before they got you in there! ;) (I was one of the original Dirty Dozen, and also served as the DD Design Team Coordinator back in 2005-2008 http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/about/bio/julie_ebersole/) CONGRATULATIONS! :) I could not be more excited for you! *mondo squishy hugs*

  8. OMG how exciting!!! Welcome to the Dirt Pile, Debbie!! You're so deserving!!

  9. Don't know that much about Splitcoasters but I've been lurking on your blog for a while. I found it when you used to post on PTI's form. I'm so glad you are getting some recognition. I just love your cards.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with.


  10. Woooo Hoooo Debby! I'm thrilled for you. You totally deserve it.

  11. How exciting for you Debby! You certainly deserve this honour and I know you will be creating more wonderful projects to share with the world.

  12. Debby! Congratulations. That is awesome and wonderful news. I'm so happy for you.

  13. Congratulations. It is well deserved and truly earned. You have been such an inspiration to me, and now your reach will be even broader.

  14. congrats Debby! I don't belong to the fan club but I know it's a big deal. I hope you still post on your blog! I enjoy seeing what you're creating!

  15. Congratulations Debby! You're so deserving. You go! :)
