27 March 2011

I'm back!

Wow, I've had a wonderful weekend. I was one of 4 adults who took 20 Brownies on pack holiday for 2 nights. For some girls this was the first time they had been away from parents overnight. I have to say that the girls were fabulous - one or two had "a moment" but our equally fabulous Brown Owl jollied them along and before they knew it the weekend flew by and their Mum's and Dad's arrived to take them home. The theme of the holiday was the four nations (England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales). They baked their own treats to eat over the weekend - Welsh cakes, Scottish shortbread, Irish 15s and cupcakes decorated with English icing roses. They tossed cabers, threw wellies, had a tug of war, woodland walks, made cute stuffed haggii, and welsh love spoons and finished the last evening with a campfire ceilidh. The girls went home exhausted but with memories to treasure for a lifetime. I will certainly treasure my own memories. I have to say that our Brown Owl, otherwise known as Judy, worked tirelessly for weeks beforehand to make the weekend what it was. She is our Irish treasure.

As for me, I'm delaying as long as I can before collapsing in to bed for an early night. A mountain of washing and unpacking faces me this week before I pack it all up again for my own family to leave the snow capped mountains of Scotland for more warm and sunny skies on Saturday. I will drop by as and when I can over the next couple of weeks.



  1. Treasured memories they are!! Sounds like everyone had a great time :) Enjoy your time away!

  2. Glad it went smoothly and the girls had such a great time. What wonderful memories for them to look back on. :)

  3. Glad you had a good time. It all sounds like fun. Have a restful week..then do it all over again. :)
