4 September 2010

Autumn card

In the UK autumn isn't such a big thing. We do a bit of Halloween, but tend to omit fall and thanksgiving. However, as I was wandering around my garden yesterday I noticed the hydrangeas starting to fade. It struck me that autumn is mainly associated with the vibrant colours of changing leaves but there is the other colour palette too - the muted watercolour effect as the brilliance of summer fades. I found this little Prima hydrangea in my stash and based my card around it.

For me this is autumn's other side. And don't you just love the colour of the background stamp - that's Versafine's toffee. Love that name for an ink and it so brings to mind the colour of toffee apples.


Flower - Prima
Card - PTI smokey shadow
Stamps - Hero Arts antique brocade, PTI turning a new leaf, signature greetings
Ink - Versafine toffee, smoky gray



  1. Such an elegant card, love it!

  2. Lovely card- very elegant, and I love that toffee ink (such a beautiful shade)!

  3. This is lovely. I really like the ink color, too. Really cool card!

  4. What a gorgeous card- soooo very elegant!
