5 September 2010

Birthday wishes

Well, I thought I was too busy to make a card today and then I saw the colours for this weeks curtain call colour challenge #46 and my fingers were just itching to have a go, so here we are!

I loved the colours of the poppies against the white, so I used lots of white layers on this card to give it interest while still maintaining the mainly white background. I used the fabulous sweet sunday sketch SSSC84 to help me.

I am really enjoying using all the great colour combos and sketches. I'm finding they are definitely helping me to stay out of the rut of using my favourite layouts and colours again and again. The sketch this week led me to use lots of layers instead of a plain white card blank. I'm not sure if this photo shows it, but I used a tonne of dimensionals on this card!


Stamps - PTI beautiful blooms II, turning a new leaf, round & round
Inks - PTI sweet blush, melon berry, pure poppy, American Crafts leaf
Card - PTI sweet blush
Cuttlebug embossing folder
PTI scallop die



  1. WOW this is so beautiful!!! Love all the white space and the awesome PTI goodies!!! Thank you for playing with us!!! Hugs ~S~

  2. This is FABULOUS~ i cannot believe you cut all those leaves ...... but boy does it really bring your card to a new level!!! Really so lovely!!!

  3. Oh, so pretty! I love all of the white and then the pops of colors. Too cute!

  4. this is gorgeous, I luv it...have a super day!


  5. Sooo pretty! Nice use of the colors and the sketch. Those flowers are so pretty. :o)

  6. This is a beautiful card, layered so nicely. It has such good texture with the embossing folder dots and you did such a good job cutting out those leaves.

  7. WONDERFUL~~ Such a beautiful card for the Act 46!!

  8. beautiful! I love the effect of all the white layering.

  9. so gorgeous, Debby! the white on white background is genious and makes the colors POP! thanks for playing the Curtain Call!

  10. Very nice, Love all the dimension too!

  11. Beautiful card. I love the white with the pop of colors!

  12. I am just blown away with this card. It is absolutely beautiful.....all that cutting is amazing as is all the white space!

  13. The arrangement of your flowers is wondeful. This looks great on a white-on-white background.

  14. This is totally gorgeous! I just love these stamps, and the way you've positioned them around the leaves really leads the eye across the card. Beautiful use of the white background and dimensionals! Thanks for playing this week!

  15. This is fabulous! Love all the white and the layers!
